International conference & workshop “Foucault40” debates the current themes and practises of posthumanism

On 30th – 31th of May 2024, the international on-site conference & workshop “Foucault40” organised as part of the “Foucault 40 after” world congress took place at Faculty of Social Sciences (MU, Brno) with the title Like a Face Drawn in Sand at the Edge of the Sea.

June 2024

Participants of the Foucault40 workshop

First day of the event opened with keynotes from internationally renowned scholars Clemens Apprich (University of Applied Arts Vienna) and Olga Goriunova (University of London), connecting the themes of posthumanism, antihumanism and modern technology. The second day held a workshop dedicated to discussing the themes of posthumanism, archeology, human-machine interaction and more-than-human in current research and applied fields.

Workshop talks included Csaba Szalo (Masaryk University), Kristína Jamrichová (Brno University of Technology), Adam Lovasz and Mark Horvath (ELTE University/EKKE University), Janar Mihkelsaar (University of Jyvakskyla), Petr Zapletal (Masaryk University) and Ilaria Fornacciari (Masaryk University). The discussant for the two session of the workshop were Eva Theunissen (Masaryk University) and Christoph Hubatschke (University of Vienna).

The event was organised by Illaria Fornacciari, Eva Šlesingerová, Eva Theunissen, Nikola Bartková, Zuzana Musilová and Marián Koval. Head of the Steering and Program committee was Ilaria Fornacciari, postdoctoral researcher at the EMOROB project.

More information about the “Foucault40” conference and workshop full programme is available here.


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KEYNOTE: "The Tables Have Turned: Desire, Power and Abstraction in the Subject in AI Society" by Olga Goriunova
KEYNOTE: The Technological Unconscious – from Post- to Anti-Humanism by Clemens Apprich

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